Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Maybe you're the asshole...?

I read something this last weekend at the beach that was trying to combat this new trend of saying that all kids are @$$holes. So, in light of this new stupid trend, I thought I would put out there what my motherhood looks like. And I encourage you two either copy mine, or make your own. Lets show people why we do what we do, everyday. Parenthood is the only job we have that really matters.
It’s half a pack of broken crayons in the bottom of your purse…and half eaten crackers that you don’t remember throwing in there.
It’s that pile of papers your keeping that have a bunch of different colored scribbles on it, but those scribbles were made for you in your favorite colors…
Its packing an extra bag when you leave town just so that they can have their bedtime stuffed animals- all 6 of them
It’s having more ‘Avengers” band-aids than plain ones…
It’s learning that sometimes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shampoo just DOES work better than Avengers, that’s why
It’s spending weekends buried under piles of little clothes and mismatched socks and not wanting it any other way.
It’s you house looking like the toy section of Goodwill threw up in your hallway, or your living room
It looks like cuddles on the couch when their stuffed up and can’t sleep without leaning against you.
It looks like sleepless nights and feeling helpless when you can’t do anything to make them feel better
It sounds like both of you crying when they look up at you exhausted saying that they have a headache from the fever that is working its way thru their body.
It’s knowing that one likes green dishes and one likes blue dishes
It’s that feeling of knowing that when you see them they are going to yell out your name and run to you with their arms wide open for hugs.
It’s the kisses that must happen before bedtime, or else they can’t get to sleep. And it’s you needing those kisses as much as they need to give them.
It’s every day that you climb into bed knowing that you will get up and do it again tomorrow and the day after and the day after….
Its evening time football games in the front yard
Its catching rain drops on your tongues “just because”
Its macaroni necklaces that you know you’ll keep until every noodle breaks
It’s looking at this incredible little person that you made and feeling more pride in them than you have felt for anything else you’ve ever done.
It’s sounds like their little voices saying “I love you”
Its parenthood. And it’s hard. But it’s also beautiful and its important. My kids are not assholes- they're kids....If childhood bothers you, maybe you're the asshole in this equation.This is my motherhood, and this is why I do it:

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